TACX P PISTOL Barnes Bullets.308 / 30 150 Grain Tactical Reduced Ricochet, Limited Penetration Bullet (50 ct.)

Original price was: $39.99.Current price is: $37.99.

RRLP bullets feature a frangible, powdered-metal copper-tin core inside a guilding metal jacket. The bullets are lead-free—often a requirement in military and LE practice environments. These open-tip bullets won’t come apart in mid-air, even at very high velocities and extreme rates of spin. They combine accuracy with explosive fragmentation, and won’t destroy steel practice targets.



TACX P PISTOL Barnes Bullets

Barnes .308 150 Grain M/LE RRLP™
RRLP bullets feature a frangible, powdered-metal copper-tin core inside a guilding metal jacket. The bullets are lead-free—often a requirement in military and LE practice environments. These open-tip bullets won’t come apart in mid-air, even at very high velocities and extreme rates of spin. They combine accuracy with explosive fragmentation, and won’t destroy steel practice targets.

TACX P PISTOL Barnes Bullets

Frangible bullets lacking a protective jacket tend to break apart inside auto-loading rifles. A major selling point for RRLP bullets is that they remain intact under the rigors of autoloader feeding and firing. They eliminate the primary cause of jammed actions and plugged barrels often experienced in firing frangible ammunition.

TACX P PISTOL Barnes Bullets

RRLP bullets include a 55-grain 5.56mm (.224″) bullet designed for military-style autoloaders and other firearms with rifling twist rates of 1:9” or faster. A 150-grain 7.62mm (.308″) version is intended for tactical autoloaders and bolt-action rifles with 1:12” or faster twists. There’s also a 108-grain (.310”) RRLP for 7.62x39mm rifles. These multi-purpose bullets are designed for shooting steel targets, competition, plinking, hunting and home defense.

TACX P PISTOL Barnes BulletsBarnes Triple-Shock X (TSX) Bullets 30-30 Cal (308 Diameter) 150 GrainBarnes Bullets 30388 Rifle Frangible 7.62X39 .310 108 GR MPG 50 BOX